Life as a University Student: A Guide to Finding Your College Apartment

a college student working

College is a great time to break free from high school drama, rediscover yourself, meet new people, and of course, learn new things. It is supposed to be the best time of your life. But what if it isn’t?

University students eventually start feeling stressed because of academic pressures, financial situations, social interaction, roommate drama, and homesickness. Years down the road, when you get past all those hurdles and graduate, they will amount to valuable life lessons and hilarious anecdotes.

As for roommate problems and homesickness, you can address those stress triggers by looking for an apartment that has no loud or nosy roommates and that, more importantly, feels like home.

Here’s your guide to finding the best apartment near campus:

Location Always Comes First

Scenario 1: You don’t feel well but you have a requirement that you need to submit today.

Scenario 2: You’re on campus, the weather doesn’t look good, and you just want to go home.

Scenario 3: It’s your turn to be designated driver this Friday night. Tired, you want to get home soon as you possibly can.

All those situations, and others like them, are easier to resolve if you live in a conveniently located apartment — real estate developers make this possible for college students by putting up apartments for rent near university campuses. Lofts at the Mill, for example, is minutes away from universities as well as from banks, hospitals, and restaurants.

As such, the first thing you should do when looking for a college apartment is to consider its distance from campus. Accessibility aside, consider the location’s proximity to important amenities like restaurants, convenience stores, grocery stores, and shops.

Practicality First, Design Later

Is the apartment fully furnished? You don’t want to spend so much on a new bed and a microwave.

Is there strong internet access? You need it for research, submissions, and yes, social media updates.

Is it safe? You can sleep better at night knowing that there are slim chances of people breaking in.

a college apartment

No matter how nice those apartments are on Pinterest or HGTV, aesthetics shouldn’t be the first thing on your mind. You can think about interior design after you’ve settled in. For now, be practical. Think of what you need first and you can go crazy on the apartment design later.

Choose Wisely before Moving In

“Sometimes, it’s the smallest decisions that can pretty much change your life forever,” says college freshman Felicity from the old television show of the same name.

Every college student can relate to Felicity. From sleeping in just five more minutes to going out with friends for just a couple of hours, these little luxuries you allow yourself in the midst of papers and exams make up your college experience — and the stress that comes with it.

Things might not be okay right away because of finals or a falling out with friends, but you can take away some of the stress by coming home to a cozy and convenient apartment. So, explore your options and think carefully before moving into your next college home.

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